Saturday, January 15, 2011

New Year, A New You

My new year is kicking off a little later than I expected. But then it shouldn't surprise me considering how much of a procrastinator I can be. Let 's see if I can keep this blog up. I really want to for the sake of the friends I don't get to see NEARLY as much as I would like to. So today is a cleaning day for me. I'm cleaning, or attempting to clean everything in my house. I'm taking down the tree and getting rid of a ton of stuff that I don't need. I will have a hard time parting with some things, but other stuff, well it's needed. I'm ready for my house to look like a home. Shawn will be hanging stuff on my wall because it's time. I'm not going anywhere. So why still have this awesome stuff packed up.

I need a cleaning for myself. So much has been going on these last few months, even year. 2010 was not a great year for me. So much has happened that I don't want to get into bc it's really emotional but I can't just put it in the past and move forward. Not everything at least. I've lost too many people, and in the process I feel like I lost myself. I believe I got caught up in so much other stuff, I forgot to check on myself sometimes. So this is what 2011 is for. To get my life straight. I need this. I'm putting myself first. I know that selfish but if I don't stand up for myself I'll fall for nothing.

1 comment:

  1. You can do this! Focus on YOU. It's not at all selfish to do that :)

    Love you!!
